60th Anniversary

The church celebrated its 60th Anniversary this past weekend with a number of special events.  The weekend began on Saturday with our Fall Festival.  We enjoyed live music with “Pete and L.A.”, displayed a dozen vintage automobiles (thanks to Ernie and his club), and had a bounce house and numerous activities for the kids – along with some hamburgers, hot dogs and snacks for all.  Many thanks to Dawn and Lisa for putting everything together. 
On Sunday we began with a coffee fellowship before our worship service. Superintendent Howard Burgoyne brought greetings from The East Coast Conference and led us in a prayer of thanksgiving and dedication.  Alissa Corrao blessed us with special music.   Church “partners” from Head  Start and Iglesía 2da Luz de Salvacíon celebrated with us, along with numerous friends and family members.  After the service we continued the fellowship with a wonderful lunch.  Many thanks to all who helped plan the event (including Lisa, Vivian, Joanne, and the 60thAnniversary committee), and those who helped with our set up and clean up (including Pat, Pete, Mike, Armando, Marco, and others). 

To make our 60th Anniversary even more special, we were able to worship in our newly refurbished sanctuary!   We give thanks to God for all those who contributed so generously to make this project possible, and to the many volunteers from Iglesía 2da Luz de Salvacíon who refinished the floors, re-constructed our pulpit area, painted, carpeted, and much, much, more.   The end result is a gorgeous worship space, and a blessing for all.  Our 60-year-old pews were taken apart, shipped to North Carolina, stripped, sanded, refinished and repainted.  Eight weeks later the pews were shipped back to us, reassembled and reinstalled.  The results are amazing!  Check out the photos on this website.  Also take a look at some of our historic photos. 
