Vacation Bible School
Registration Form
SonTreasure Island VBS
Evangelical Covenant Church
203 Cedar Road
East Northport, NY 11731
Monday to Thursday, June 30-July 3
Activities: Skits, Bible stories, games, crafts, songs, snacks, and more.
Place: 203 Cedar Road (between Larkfield and Townline Roads)
NOTE: No Friday Session, due to the 4thof July holiday.
Cost: There is a suggested donation of $20 per child to cover materials and snacks.
How to Register: Fill out both sides of this form and mail it to the church at the above address. (Enrollment may be limited due to the size of our staff, or the amount of lesson material available. Please register early.)
Ages: Children Pre-K through 5th grademay register. Pre-K children must be 4 years old by December 1, 2014 (Call about th grade siblings.)
Parent’s Name and Address
Phone ____________________ Email: ____________________________
List Children attending VBS
Name Grade entering Birth date
Volunteering At VBS Is Fun!
Parent and teen helpers are needed at VBS for a variety of tasks: music, crafts, games, snacks, general supervision, and much more.
If you are willing to help one day or the whole week, please write your name below, or call the church office at 368-1562. Leave a message and someone will return your call.
______ Yes, I would be willing to help with VBS.
Name ____________________________
Phone (if other than home) _____________________
Name and phone of number of someone to contact in an emergency if parent is not available:
Name _______________________ Phone ________________
Do any of the children have allergies or other medical conditions that we should be aware of? Please list below and/or attach a note.
How did you find out about our VBS?
Do you attend church regularly? If so, where?
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