IPAD Raffle Result

Congratulations to the winner of our iPad Raffle, Debrah Garcia!
On Sunday, April 22, we held the drawing for the iPad and Debrah's ticket was the one ticket pulled from among the 447 tickets that were sold.  Congratulations Debby!  And thank you to everyone who helped make this a successful fundraiser for our youth group.  We have five teens going on a Mission Trip this summer, and six going to our denomination's youth conference (CHIC) at the University of Tennessee.  We are praying that God will use these events to bless people and impact the lives of our youth.  Thank you again for helping to make their trip possible.  As I said to the children Sunday morning, only one person could be "lucky" and win the iPad, but we are all lucky and fortunate, because God has blessed us with His wonderful grace, forgiveness, love and presence!  His mercies are new every morning!  May God continue to bless you, to fill you with His Spirit, and to remind you that you are His beloved child.
Peace be with you.

Rev. Peter Nielsen
Evangelical Covenant Church
203 Cedar Road East Northport,
NY 11731
631-368-1562 (church office)
