On Friday and Saturday, March 7th & 8th, the youth group of the Evangelical Covenant Church of East Northport participated in an annual 30 Hour Fast to raise funds and awareness about the hunger crisis effecting children around the world as part of World Vision’s international efforts.
Besides learning about hunger around the world, the youth group helped prepare food for distribution at the food pantry at Pronto human services agency in Bay Shore. Pictured below are the members of the youth group along with their pastor and other church members at Pronto. They are as follows:
Front Row: Anthony Garcia, Vivian Hart, Ethan Ottaviano, Geneva Ottaviano, Lydia Ottaviano, Rebecca Ho
Back Row: Ariana Hawk, Peter Morgan, Nina Ottaviano, Joanne Nielsen, Reverend Peter Nielsen
Together, the group raised over $2700 to help in the fight against hunger worldwide. Generous support was provided by the congregation and corporate support from Rothco, a Long Island military clothing manufacturer.
For further information, please contact Reverend Peter Nielsen (631) 368-1562 or Nielsenpjpm@aol.com
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